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"My family instilled the importance of public service from a very young age. I want to work for you and tackle the important issues head on to ensure the brightest future for Truckee residents."
-Lindsay Romack




Affordable housing for our local workforce is one of the biggest challenges we face today. Over the past four years, I have been proud to support innovative housing programs that are tackling this issue and I look forward to continuing to do so in the next four years.


This includes the Truckee Home Access Program (THAP) helps local workers or businesses purchase homes in exchange for a deed restriction to ensure the houses stay available to local workers for years to come. Since it's inception in fall of 2023 through June 2024, THAP has helped secure 17 homes- housing 19 local workers and 22 family members and roommates.


Lease to Locals has been a program to incentivize more long-term rentals in our community and from fall of 2020 through June 2024, has unlocked 173 and housed 406 people who qualified through local worker restrictions. Truckee was the first town to work with the company Placemate on a program like this and it has since been replicated in other jurisdictions in our region and across the county.


Just launched in July 2024 is the Rooter Renters program which will incentivize more property owners to rent long term.


I will continue to work on programs like these while also supporting creation of new housing for our local workforce to continue to support our community.


A Town Council strategic priority has been to "Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and become a leader in environmental sustainability." As a councilmember, I have continued to support efforts to reduce our impact on the environment including:​

  • Approved the Climate Action Plan Element in the 2040 General Plan and commited to re-examining it every four years

  • The Bcycle ebike share program to provide additional opportunities for people to move around Truckee without greenhouse gas emissions

  • Truckee single use foodware ordinance and plastic water bottle ban to reduce waste 



I am here to serve ALL Truckee residents and we have made great strides in the last four years to bring more voices to the table. I will continue to support broad outreach through new ways to connect with community members.


We must continue to provide options to encourage Truckee residents and visitors to get out of their cars- both to reduce traffic and greenhouse gas emissions. This means increasing both public transit and pedestrian/cyclist opportunities to connect people and places.


During my time on Town Council, we have piloted TART Connect microtransit service. This is the first time residents and visitors have truely had a transit system that connect the whole town throughout the day. More than 200,000 passenger trips have been recorded in the past two years and I'll continue to look for ways to improve the TART Connect system. This includes investing in electric buses to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


New connections on the Legacy Trail are expected to open this fall and I will continue to advocate for investment in our trail system. I am proud the Town plows the entire paved trail network in the winter meaning people can rely on utilizing it year-round.


One of the main reasons voters chose to incorporate Truckee in 1993 was to ensure there was local control of our roads and infastructure. This continues to be a priority along with updating our infastructure to better meet the needs of a more pedestrian/bicycle friendly town. 




Over the last four years, I have continued to support additional investment in emergency preparedness for Truckee. We have funded state-of-the-art technology and permanent staff to ensure we are fully-equiped to prepare for potential emergencies. I will continue to advocate for funding for the tools and resources needed to prioritize safety and preparedness.

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